BI-COMPONENT EPOXY PRIMER FOR DAMP CONDITIONSPRIMER WET is a free solvent resin, low viscosity, applicable in a single layer. It is specially designed to increase adherence of waterproofing systems based on continuous membranes basically , TECNOCOAT P-2049-pure polyurea membrane, DESMOPOL-polyurethane membrane, even on substrates with high residual moisture. Application is recommended on porous surfaces such as concrete or mortar.
- It is specially designed to increase adhesion of our systems based on continuous waterproofing membranes, TECNOCOAT P-2049, pure polyurea membrane, and DESMOPOL, polyurethane membrane, even on substrates with high residual moisture.
- To apply on porous surfaces such as concrete or mortar.
- It’s a mixture of a two component, epoxy resin without solvent
- Removes residual moisture from mortar or concrete type supports up to 98%.
- It can be applied on porous surfaces: concrete, cement, etc.
- Respect existing structural joints (not covered with PRIMER WET).
- Applied by trowel.
- Do not use with groundwater pressure.